My annual bow to Solstice.
‘Twas the night before Solstice,
and all over the Earth,
the Spirits were gathering
with intent and great mirth.
The planet was spinning
in its shimmering way
and the Spirits saw Beauty
leading the way.
Of course, they saw problems,
pollution and strife,
but they also saw beings
living their life.
They noticed the humans,
who made a great mess,
stuffing their pockets
with others’ distress.
Their hearts were all wrong
as they tried to own more
and all of their actions
made everyone sore.
The bears and the rocks,
the streams and the snakes,
all were affected.
by those on the take.
But the Spirits knew all,
and they saw a great light
shining from hearts
that were ready to fight.
They carried no weapons –
they had blankets and drums
and they used them to go
to the heart of the Hum.
The Hum was a place
where all lived as one,
all creatures in union
like rays of the sun.
And the Spirits could see
as the people could not
that love was the thing
that would untie the big knot.
And with every journey
all beings were lifted;
even the hearts
that looked very twisted.
It’s a matter, we know,
of being quite tough,
especially when others
are succumbing to Guff.
Guff is the stuff
that mucks it all up,
but it can all be shed
like fleas from a pup.
So if we all love,
and let love lead the way,
union will become
the only best way.
And the Spirits all sang
as they rose out of sight,
Live From Your Hearts
and to all a good night.
© Lora Jansson, 12/23/10