60 Reasons to Celebrate...

In mulling the beginning to my 6th decade here on our beautiful planet, I began to count my blessings. These 60 were only the beginning...  

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60 Reasons to Celebrate

  1. Compassionate Helping Spirits
  2. Reciprocity
  3. Love
  4. Kindness
  5. Ceremony
  6. Drums
  7. Rattles
  8. Magic
  9. Initiation
  10. Nature
  11. Don
  12. Community
  13. Bears
  14. Family
  15. Beloveds (you know who you are :) )
  16. Air
  17. Fire
  18. Water
  19. Earth
  20. Journeys
  21. Paradox
  22. Unity
  23. Harmony
  24. Dappled light
  25. Bearded collies
  26. Friendship
  27. Cedar trees
  28. ALL trees
  29. Mountians
  30. Montana
  31. Michael Harner
  32. FSS
  33. Animals Asia Foundation
  34. Movement
  35. Stillness
  36. My shamanic studio
  37. Home
  38. Writing
  39. Cures
  40. Aromatics
  41. Electricity
  42. Subtlety
  43. Magnificence
  44. My body
  45. Wilderness
  46. Adventure
  47. Bears
  48. Commitment
  49. Small changes
  50. Vision
  51. Hearts that cannot harbor hate
  52. Aging
  53. Contemplation
  54. iPad
  55. Perspective
  56. FSS CD Drumming No. 1
  57. The seasons
  58. Passion
  59. Gratitude
  60. Bears
  61. and art -- one to grow on!
It took about 60 seconds to write this. I hope I make it to 70 because there is MUCH more to be grateful for. If anyone would like to celebrate life, please consider a doantion to www.animalasia.org . Many thanks.