Have you done it yet?
Not that thing you do
and have done and done
the sly trick, the way you have gotten by,
but have you
plucked your voice
raked the hard grit with your whole body,
hallowed your mark
until the earth growled back
with a lover’s moan?
Have you done it yet?
Breathed the sweetest air,
bellowed it back,
gifted us with your
blue fire swirled into red perfume?
Stomped your ordinary?
Ground it with your goddamn bones?
Bitten so hard that fear has no choice
but to dance?
Swallowed death until it begs to live?
Please, oh please,
stop giving me the reasonable,
and all the tricks you’ve learned.
All that?
It has covered your soul with a film
you never wanted.
What I want to know is simple.
It is this:
Ah, darling, have you decided how to save the world?